
Chief herald of Macedonian Heraldic Society, Dr. Jovan Ionovski, winner of the highest vexillological award from the International Federation... 


FIAV, the International Federation of Vexillological Associations, has called 1 October 1961 the “birth-day of modern vexillology” as... 


The International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV), has called 1 October 1961 the “birth-day of modern vexillology”... 


Macedonian Heraldic Society is continuing the tradition of Macedonian Heraldry Society which in its 15 years of existence (15.7.2003-15.7.2018)... 


Dr. Jovan Jonovski President • Chief Herald D-r Jovan Jonovski, MTh, was born in Skopje in 1971 where he has completed his education... 


Vexillology is the “scientific study of the history, symbolism[,] and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general”... 


In the period immediately following the publishing of the fourth issue of Macedonian Herald, MHS continued with its activities for promotion... 


MHS member of FIAV On the St. Elijah,(Macedonian national holiday, 2 Aug.), 2011 Macedonian Heraldry Society was received in membership...